Содержание журнала «Метрология» - статьи, связанные с измерением температуры
Международный журнал «Метрология» (Metrologia), выпускаемый Международным бюро мер и весов, является наиболее информативным изданием, отслеживающим прогресс во всех видах измерений. В журнале публикуется много работ, посвященных современному состоянию термометрии. Электронная версия распространяется по подписке через сайт МБМВ. С 2003 г. журнал доступен через IOP по ссылке: http://iopscience.iop.org/0026-1394.
В 2015 г. международный журнал «Метрология» начал издавать серии «Focus Issue», которые являются подборками наиболее значимых исследований, касающихся одной темы. Первая подборка статей посвящена прогрессу в определении константы Больцмана. Ознакомиться можно по ссылке: «Focus on the Boltzmann Constant». Как известно, новое определение Кельвина основано на присвоении точного значения этой константе. В выпуске собраны 17 статей, представленных научными коллективами различных стран, занимающихся термодинамическими методами, такими, как акустическая, шумовая термометрия, диэлектрическая газовая термометрия и термометрия по расширению Доплера.
Для удобства наших пользователей, приводим на нашем сайте список работ по температурным измерениям, опубликованных в 2006 - 2023 гг.
том 60 (2023 г.)
N 1A
ITS-90 SPRT calibration from the Ar TP to the Zn FP Tobias Herman, Michal Chojnacky, Ken Hill, Steffen Rudtsch, Inseok Yang, Petrus Paulus Maria Steur, Roberto Dematteis, Giuseppina Lopardo, Fernando Sparasci, Catherine Martin et al
CCT-K7.2021: CIPM key comparison of water-triple-point cells A Peruzzi, S Dedyulin, M Levesque, D del Campo, B C Garcia Izquierdo, M E Gomez, K N Quelhas, M A P Neto, B M Lozano, L Eusebio et al
Comparison of combustion energy of coal samples with different sulfur content Elena N Korchagina, Kai Moshammer, Camelia Stratulat, Kemal Özcan, Petr V Krivonos and Wang Haifeng
EURAMET.T-K.7 Comparison : Inter-laboratory comparison of triple point of water cells Murat Kalemci, Ali Uytun, Nedžadeta Hodžić, Oqab N Al Otaibi, Ismail A Al Faleh, Miltiadis Anagnostou and Mustafa Flaifel
SIM Thermocouple Type S Supplementary Comparison K M Garrity, M Araya, K Bookall, D J Gee, M Giorgio, E Guillén, E Mendez-Lango, K N Quelhas, A Solano Mena, O Robatto et al
Realization of the triple point of carbon dioxide in a transportable cell using long-stem SPRTs Yu Liang, J T Zhang, X J Feng and P Qiu
N 2
Bilateral comparison of irradiance scales between PMOD/WRC and PTB for longwave downward radiation measurements Moritz Feierabend, Julian Gröbner, Ingmar Müller, Max Reiniger and Christian Monte
Scaling of thermoelectric inhomogeneities with temperature in platinum–rhodium alloyed thermocouples F Edler
Thermodynamic temperature measurements of Al–Cu, Al, Ag, Cu and Co–C fixed points by radiometry hybrid method T Zhang, X Lu and W Dong
A novel radiometric calibration of an infrared thermometer Yoshiro Yamada, Subrena Harris, Evangelos Theocharous and Michael Hayes
Furnace effect for the Re-C fixed point Boris Khlevnoy and Irina Grigoryeva
том 59 (2022 г.)
№1 (февраль 2022)
№4 (август 2022)
Andrea Peruzzi and Sergey Dedyulin
№5 (октябрь 2022)
No country for old borosilicate triple-point-of-water cells
Sergey Dedyulin and Andrea Peruzzi
том 58 (2021 г.)
N 1
Understanding immersion in zinc fixed-point cells using factorial design of experiments
N 2
A critical review of the common thermocouple reference functions
Direct comparison of ITS-90 and PLTS-2000 from 0.65 K to 1 K at LNE-CNAM
Refractive index gas thermometry between 13.8 K and 161.4 K
N 3
Evaluation of blackbody radiation shift with 2 × 10−18 uncertainty at room temperature for a transportable 40Ca+ optical clock
Transient heating in fixed length optical cavities for use as temperature and pressure standards
On the uncertainties in the realization of the kelvin based on thermodynamic temperatures of high-temperature fixed-point cells
Realization and evaluation of the triple point of sulfur hexafluoride
Survey of subrange inconsistency of long-stem standard platinum resistance thermometers
Some predictions of a validated physical model of Pt–Rh thermocouple drift above 1200 °C
Residual resistance ratio as indicator for the influence of impurities on fixed-point temperatures
N 4
Primary thermometry at 4 K, 14 K, and 25 K applying dielectric-constant gas thermometry
Acoustic measurement of the triple point of neon TNe and thermodynamic calibration of a transfer standard for accurate cryogenic thermometry
N 5
ITS-90 reproducibility, xenon fixed point substitution and new interpolating equations between 13.8033 K and 273.16 K
том 57 (2020 г.)
№1А January
EURAMET-T.K9.1 bilateral comparison of ITS-90 SPRT calibration from the Hg TP to Zn FP Åge Andreas Falnes Olsen, Karsten Opel and Kristjan Tammik
Realization of the ITS-90 from 273.16 K to 692.677 K A I Pokhodun, S Rudtsch, A G Ivanova and N A Beketov
Calibration of thermocouples from 419,527 °C (freezing point of Zn) up to 1492 °C (melting point of the Pd-C eutectic), by the temperature fixed point and comparison methods D del Campo, Y Abdelaziz, M Anagnostou, N Arifovic, R A Bergerud, J Bojkovski, E Ciocarlan, F Edler, C Elliot, O Hathela, N Hodzic, M Holmsten, L Iacomini, M Kozicki, S Nedialkov, M Sadli, S Simic, R Strnad and E Turzó-András
Final report on AFRIMETS supplementary comparison AFRIMETS. T-S2): platinum resistance thermometer and digital thermometer calibrations over the range -50 °C to 450 °C Efrem Kebede Ejigu, Souhale Hicham, Sylvia Agbesinyale and Joel Bado
№1 Fabruary
Calibration of standard radiation thermometers using two fixed points A Manoi, P Wongnut, X Lu, P Bloembergen and P Saunders
Evaluation of the triple point temperature of sulfur hexafluoride and the associated uncertainty at NMIJ/AIST Yasuki Kawamura and Tohru Nakano
Trials of Pt-20%Rh versus Pt thermocouples between 157 °C and 962 °C E Webster
Realization of the triple point of carbon dioxide evaluated by the ITS–90 Yasuki Kawamura, Nobuhiro Matsumoto and Tohru Nakano
Principles governing photometry (2nd edition) Yoshi Ohno, Teresa Goodman, Peter Blattner, Janos Schanda, Hiroshi Shitomi, Armin Sperling and Joanne Zwinkels
Evolution of the International System of Units: considering the challenge of user adoption Richard J C Brown
Thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of xenon measured by refractive index gas thermometry P M C Rourke
Uncertainties in blackbody corrections for low-temperature radiation thermometers P Saunders and A Manoi
Calibration of a W/Re thermocouple using Pd-C, Pt-C and Ru-C eutectic cells at NIM T Zhang, X Lu, J Sun and J Pan
Determination of T–T90 from 234 K to 303 K by acoustic thermometry with a cylindrical resonator K Zhang, X J Feng, J T Zhang, Y Y Duan, H Lin and Y N Duan
A validated physical model of the thermoelectric drift of Pt-Rh thermocouples above 1200 °C Jonathan V Pearce
№3 June
Second solar ultraviolet radiometer comparison campaign UVC-II Gregor Hülsen, Julian Gröbner, Alkis Bais, Mario Blumthaler, Henri Diémoz, David Bolsée, Ana Diaz, Ilias Fountoulakis, Erik Naranen, Josef Schreder, Facta Stefania and José Manuel Vilaplana Guerrero
Standard platinum resistance thermometer interpolations in a revised temperature scale D R White and P M C Rourke
Melting and freezing behavior of pure Ni cells in alumina crucibles with different internal structures Yong-Gyoo Kim and Sunghun Kim
№4 August
New interpolating equations of ITS-90 for SPRTs and HTSPRTs for the temperature range 419.527 °C–961.78 °C J P Sun, T Li, X P Hao, J Pan and J X Zeng
The non-uniqueness of ITS-90 above the silver point and its impact on values of T − T90 Peter Saunders
№5 October
Thermodynamic-temperature data from 30 K to 200 K Christof Gaiser, Bernd Fellmuth and Norbert Haft
№6 Desember
Measurement of thermodynamic temperature between 5 K and 24.5 K with single-pressure refractive-index gas thermometry Bo Gao, Haiyang Zhang, Dongxu Han, Changzhao Pan, Hui Chen, Yaonan Song, Wenjing Liu, Jiangfeng Hu, Xiangjie Kong, Fernando Sparasci, Mark Plimmer, Ercang Luo and Laurent Pitre
Spaceborne radiance temperature standard blackbody for Chinese high-precision infrared spectrometer Xiaopeng Hao, Jian Song, Lei Ding, Ping Wen, Jianping Sun, Yang Liu, Zundong Yuan, Yuning Duan and Yong Zhang
Calibrating spectrometers for measurements of the spectral irradiance caused by solar radiation Carsten Schinke, Hendrik Pollex, David Hinken, Martin Wolf, Karsten Bothe, Ingo Kröger, Saulius Nevas and Stefan Winter
On the long-term stability of the triple-point-of-water cells S N Dedyulin, R Emms, L Yang, A D W Todd, Z Mester, A Peruzzi, J van Geel, M Dobre, D Van Den Berghe, R Senn and M J de Groot
том 56 (2019 г.)
Realizations of the ITS-90 from 273.16 K to 933.473 K (COOMET.T-K3.3)Pokhodun A I , Ivanova A G , Krivonos P V , Ivanova E P , Duysebaeva K K , Bordianu C I and Chelidze Yu V
Report on the comparison of the calibration of noble metal thermocouples from 419 ºC up to 1100 ºC (EURAMET.T-S5)Dolores del Campo, Carmen García Izquierdo, Olgica Petrusova and Juan Carlos Soto
Calibration of industrial platinum resistance thermometers in thermostats (-40 °C to 420 °C)Bordianu Constantin, Chelidze Yu V , Denisova Marina, Meirzhan Ibraev, Azer Baghirov, Nedzadeta Hodzic and Alev Çorman
The revision of the SI—the result of three decades of progress in metrologyMichael Stock, Richard Davis, Estefanía de Mirandés and Martin J T Milton
Refractive-index gas thermometryPatrick M C Rourke, Christof Gaiser, Bo Gao, Daniele Madonna Ripa, Michael R Moldover, Laurent Pitre and Robin J Underwood
Advances in reference materials and measurement techniques for greenhouse gas atmospheric observationsPaul J Brewer, Jin Seog Kim, Sangil Lee, Oksana A Tarasova, Joële Viallon, Edgar Flores, Robert I Wielgosz, Takuya Shimosaka, Sergey Assonov, Colin E Allison, Adriaan M H van der Veen, Brad Hall, Andrew M Crotwell, George C Rhoderick, Joseph T Hodges, Joachim Mohn, Christoph Zellweger, Heiko Moossen, Volker Ebert and David W T Griffith
Comparison between the liquidus temperatures of tin samples having different impurity compositions and correction of the impurity effectWukchul Joung, Jonathan V Pearce and Jihye Park
Determination of the thermodynamic temperature between 236 K and 430 K from speed of sound measurements in heliumR M Gavioso, D Madonna Ripa, P P M Steur, R Dematteis and D Imbraguglio
Performance of WC–C peritectic and Ru–C eutectic fixed pointsN Sasajima, X Lu, B Khlevnoy, I Grigoryeva, Y S Yoo, D Otryaskin, S Markin, T Wang and Y Yamada
The role of unit systems in expressing and testing the laws of naturePaul Quincey and Kathryn Burrows
том 55 (2018 г.)
№ 1
Thin-film resistance temperature detector array for the measurement of temperature distribution inside a phantom
Frequency-response mismatch effects in Johnson noise thermometry
An acoustic thermometer for air refractive index estimation in long distance interferometric measurements
Development of large-area high-temperature fixed-point blackbodies for photometry and radiometry
Air temperature sensors: dependence of radiative errors on sensor diameter in precision metrology and meteorology
№ 3
Comparison between the liquidus temperature and triple-point temperature of tin realized by heat pulse-based melting
Determination of the liquidus temperature of tin using the heat pulse-based melting and comparison with traditional methods
Uncertainty propagation in the calibration equations for NTC thermistors
A systematic investigation of the thermoelectric stability of Pt–Rh thermocouples between 1300 °C and 1500 °C
Freezing and melting in the peritectic W–C–X
Climatic chamber for dew-point temperatures up to 150 °C
№ 6
Carbothermal reduction of oxidized tin and recovery of deep supercool
Uncertainty propagation through integrated quantities for radiation thermometry
Peter Saunders
том 54 (2017 г)
Primary thermometry from 2.5 K to 140 K applying dielectric-constant gas thermometry
An improved non-contact thermometer and hygrometer with rapid response
A methodology for study of in-service drift of meteorological humidity sensors
The equilibrium liquidus temperatures of rhenium–carbon, platinum–carbon and cobalt–carbon eutectic alloys
Defining relative humidity in terms of water activity. Part 1: definition
A Boltzmann constant determination based on Johnson noise thermometry
Measurement of the Boltzmann constant by Johnson noise thermometry using a superconducting integrated circuit
New measurement of the Boltzmann constant k by acoustic thermometry of helium-4 gas
L Pitre, F Sparasci, L Risegari, C Guianvarc'h, C Martin, M E Himbert, M D Plimmer, A Allard, B Marty, P A Giuliano Albo, B Gao, M R Moldover and J B Mehl
том 53 (2016 г)
C Tabacaru, D del Campo, E Gómez, C García Izquiedo, A Welna, M Kalemci and Ö Pehlivan The influence of some relevant metallic impurities in the triple point of mercury temperature
Nurulaini Md Ali, Hafidzah Othman, Mong-Kim Ho, Inseok Yang, Victor Gabi, Zhe Zhang, Ying Sheng, Jing Hu, Jintao Zhang, Shu-Fei Tsai, Su-Chuion Liao, Md Shafiqul Alam, Uthai Norranim, Charuayrat Yaokulbodee, Hans Liedberg, Mohamed Gamal Ahmed, Naser Harba, Mustafa Fuad Flaifel, Suherlan, Aditya Achmadi, Kho Haoyuan, Fan Yan, Neoh Boon Kwee, Pham Thanh Binh and Monalisa Ragay Final report on APMP supplementary comparison of industrial platinum resistance thermometer for range -50 °C to 400 °C. (APMP.T-S6)
том 52 (2015 г)
K D Hill Platinum resistivity below 273.16 K: a tale of two reference functions p 54
C J Elliott, A Greenen, D Lowe, J V Pearce and G Machin High temperature exposure of in-situ thermocouple fixed-point cells: stability with up to three months of continuous use p 267
Yong-Gyoo Kim, Wukchul Joung and Inseok Yang Temperature determination of the Si–SiC eutectic fixed point using thermocouples p 330
L Kňazovická, D Lowe, G Machin, H Davies and A Rani Stability of cobalt–carbon high temperature fixed points doped with iron and platinum p 353
Kenneth D Hill High-temperature platinum resistance thermometry: the problem with silver and the case for gold p 478
Wukchul Joung, Kee Sool Gam and Yong-Gyoo Kim Realization of tin freezing point using a loop heat pipe-based hydraulic temperature control technique p 694
том 51 (2014 г)
Numerical optimization of the radial dependence of effective emissivity in blackbody cylindrical cavities р. 402
The effect of heat conduction on the realization of the primary standard for sound pressure p. 423
A detector combining quantum and thermal primary radiometric standards in the same artefact
Spectrally integrated window transmittance measurements for a cryogenic solar absolute radiometer
том 50 (2013 г)
D W Todd and D J Woods Thermodynamic temperature measurements of the melting temperatures of Co–C, Pt–C and Re–C fixed points at NRCA p. 20
P Bloembergen, W Dong, H Zhang and T Wang A new approach to the determination of the liquidus and solidus points associated with the melting curve of the eutectic Co–C, taking into account the thermal inertia of the furnace PDF (641 KB) p. 295
J V Pearce, R L Rusby, P M Harris and L Wright The optimization of self-heating corrections in resistance thermometry p. 345
Yong Shim Yoo, Bong-Hak Kim, Sun Do Lim, Seung-Nam Park and Seongchong Park Realization of a radiation temperature scale from 0 °C to 232 °C by a thermal infrared thermometer based on a multiple-fixed-point technique p. 409
B Lane, E Whitenton, V Madhavan and A Donmez Uncertainty of temperature measurements by infrared thermography for metal cutting applications p. 637
том 49 (2012 г)
Elliott C.J., Pearce J.V., Failleau G., Deuzé T., Briaudeau S., Sadli M., Machin G.[NPL, LNE-Cnam]
Fe-C eutectic fixed-point cells for contact thermometry: an investigation and comparison
Metrologia, 2012, 49, n°1, 88-94
Khlevnoy B.B., Grigoryeva I.A., Otryaskin D.A.[VNIIOFI]
Development and investigation of WC-C fixed-point cells
Metrologia, 2012, 49, n°2, S59-S67
Fellmuth B., Wolber L., Head D.I., Hermier Y., Hill K.D., Nakano T., Pavese F., Peruzzi A., Rusby R.L., Shkraba V., Steele A.G., Steur P.P.M., Szmyrka-Grzebyk A., Tew W.L., Wang L., White D.R.[PTB, NPL, LNE-INM/CNAM, NRC, NMIJ, INRIM, VSL, VNIIFTRI, INTiBS, NIST, NIM, MSL]
Investigation of low-temperature fixed points by an international star intercomparison of sealed triple-point cells
Metrologia, 2012, 49, n°3, 257-265
Pearce J.V., Veltcheva R.I., Lowe D.H., Malik Z., Hunt J.D.[NPL, Imperial College London, Universuty of Oxford]
Optimization of SPRT measurements of freezing in a zinc fixed-point cell
Metrologia, 2012, 49, n°3, 359-367
Haller J., Jenderka K.-V., Seifert F., Klepsch T., Martin E., Shaw A., Durando G., Guglielmone C., Girard F.[PTB, NPL, INRIM]
A comparison of three different types of temperature measurement in HITU fields
Metrologia, 2012, 49, n°5, S279-S281
Yang I., Song C.H., Gam K.S., Kim Y.-G.[KRISS]
Long-term stability of standard platinum resistance thermometers in a range between 0.01 °C and 419.527 °C
Metrologia, 2012, 49, n°6, 803-808
том 48 (2011 г)
Machin G., del Campo D., Fellmuth B., Fischer J., Gavioso R., Lusher C., Merlone A., Mills I., Pitre L., de Podesta M.[NPL, CEM, PTB, INRIM, Royal Holloway University of London, University of Reading, LNE] New kelvin dissemination workshop held at NPL on 27-28 October 2010
Metrologia, 2011, 48, n°1, 68-69
Machin G., Dong W., Martin M.J., Lowe D., Yuan Z., Wang T., Lu X.[NPL, NIM, CEM] Estimation of the degree of equivalence of the ITS-90 above the silver point between NPL, NIM and CEM using high temperature fixed points
Metrologia, 2011, 48, n°3, 196-200
Battuello M., Florio M., Machin G.[INRIM, NPL]
Investigations at INRIM on a Pd-C cell manufactured by NPL
Metrologia, 2011, 48, n°5, 241-245 Pavese F.[INRIM]
Methods for the assessment of correction for chemical-impurity effects and related uncertainty in ITS-90 fixed points, namely of e-H2, Ne, O2 and Ar
Metrologia, 2011, 48, n°5, 268-274
Edler F., Zheng W.[PTB, NIM]
Investigation of differently designed Pd-C eutectic fixed-point cells for the calibration of thermocouples
Metrologia, 2011, 48, n°5, 275-282
Pearce J.V., Edler F., Elliott C.J., Failleau G., Morice R., Ogura H.[NPL, PTB, LNE-Cnam, NMIJ]
Investigation of Pd-C cells to improve thermocouple calibration
Metrologia, 2011, 48, n°5, 375-381
Fellmuth B., Fischer J., Gaiser C., Jusko O., Priruenrom T., Sabuga W., Zandt T.[PTB, NIMT]
Determination of the Boltzmann constant by dielectric-constant gas thermometry
Metrologia, 2011, 48, n°5, 382-390
том 47 (2010 г)
Pearce J.V., Ongrai O., Machin G., Sweeney S.J.[NPL, University of Surrey] Self-validating thermocouples based on high temperature fixed points
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°1, L1-L3
Prokhorov A.V., Hanssen L.M.[NIST] Effective emissivity of a cylindrical cavity with an inclined bottom: II. Non-isothermal cavity
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°1, 33-46
Edler F., Morice R., Ogura H., Pearce J.[PTB, LNE, NMIJ, NPL] Investigation of Co-C cells to improve thermocouple calibration
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°1, 90-95
Radu D., Guerra A.S., Ionita C., Astefanoaei I.[Department of Solid State and Theoretical Physics, ENEA?Istituto Nazionale di Metrologia delle Radiazioni Ionizzanti, S.C. Explora Rx S.R.L.] Heat loss through connecting thermistor wires in a three-body graphite calorimeter
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°3, 179-191
Battuello M., Florio M., Girard F.[INRIM] Indirect determination of the thermodynamic temperature of the copper point by a multi-fixed-point technique
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°3, 231-238
Kim Y-G., Kim B.H., Yang I.[KRISS] Validation of the fixed-point realization of the thermocouple scale using a radiation thermometer in the temperature range between the freezing points of Ag and Pd
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°3, 239-247
Kwon S.Y., Kim Y.G., Yang I.[KRISS] Study on the melting and freezing behaviour of high temperature binary eutectic fixed points using differential scanning calorimetry
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°3, 248-252
Gaviot E., Failleau G., Morice R., Camberlein L., Polet F., Beche B.[Laboratoire d'accoustique de l'Universite du Maine, Laboratoire Commun de Metrologie, Institut de Physiques de Rennes, Institut Universitaire de France] Towards a thermodynamic assessment of transition plateaus
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°4, 357-362
Gavioso R.M., Benedetto G., Giuliano Albo P.A., Madonna Ripa D., Merlone A., Guianvarc'h C., Moro F., Cuccaro R.[INRiM] A determination of the Boltzmann constant from speed of sound measurements in helium at a single thermodynamic state
Metrologia, 2010, 47, n°4, 387-409
том 46 (2009 г)
Battuello M., Girard F., Florio M.[INRIM]
Extrapolation of radiation thermometry scales for determining the transition temperature of metal-carbon points. Experiments with the Co-C
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°1, 26-32
Salim S.G.R., Woolliams E.R., Dury M., Lowe D.H., Pearce J.V., Machin G., Fox N.P., Sun Tong, Grattan K.T.V.[NPL, City Univ. London, NIS]
Furnace uniformity effects on Re-C fixed-point melting plateaux
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°1, 33-42
Pavese F.[INRIM]
Critical review of information relevant to the correction of the effect of chemical impurities in gases used for the realization of ITS-90 fixed points
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°1, 47-61
Saunders P., Edgar H.[MSL]
On the characterization and correction of the size-of-source effect in radiation thermometers
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°1, 62-74
White D.R., Strouse G.F.[MSL, NIST]
Observations on sub-range inconsistency in the SPRT interpolations of ITS-90
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°1, 101-108
Willink R.[IRL]
A formulation of the law of propagation of uncertainty to facilitate the treatment of shared influences
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°3, 145-153
Sperfeld P., Pape S., Khlevnoy B., Burdakin A.[PTB, VNIIOFI]
Performance limitations of carbon-cavity blackbodies due to absorption bands at the highest temperatures
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°4, S170-S173
Fahr M., Rudtsch S.[PTB, NRC] Oxides in metal fixed points of the ITS-90
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°5, 423-438
Cabiati F., Bich W.[INRIM] Thoughts on a changing SI
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°5, 457-466
Pearce J.V., Ogura H., Izuchi M., Machin G.[NPL, NMIJ-AIST] Evaluation of the Pd–C eutectic fixed point and the Pt/Pd thermocouple
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°5, 473-479
Prokhorov A.V., Hanssen L.H.[] Erratum: Effective emissivity of a cylindrical cavity with an inclined bottom: I. Isothermal cavity
Metrologia, 2009, 46, n°6, 719
Peruzzi A., Bosma R., Kerkhof O., Peter R., del Campo Maldonado M.D., Smid M., Zvizdic D., Nielsen M.B., Anagnostou M., Grudnewicz E., Nedea M., Steur P.P.M., Filipe E., Lobo I., Antonsen I., Renaot E., Weckstrom T., Bojkovski J., Turzу-Andrбs E., White M., Tegeler E., Dobre M., Ranostaj J., Kartal Dogan A., Augevicius V., Pokhodun A., Simic S.
Final Report on EUROMET.T-K7: Key comparison of water triple point cells
Metrologia, 2009, 46, Tech. Suppl., 03001
Том 45 (2008 г.)
Burdakin A., Khlevnoy B., Samoylov M., Sapritsky V., Ogarev S., Panfilov A., Bingham G., Privalsky V., Tansock J. ,Humpherys T.[VNIIOFI, SDL]
Melting points of gallium and of binary eutectics with gallium realized in small cells
Metrologia, 2008, 45, №1, 75-82
Ancsin J.[NRC]
Impurity dependence of the Sn-point and the properties of the Sn-Fe ?eutectic?
Metrologia, 2008, 45, №1, 16-20
White D.R., Clarkson M.T., Saunders P., Yoon H.W.[MSL, NIST]
A general technique for calibrating indicating instruments
Metrologia, 2008, 45, №2, 199-210
Lowe D., Anhalt K., Hartmann J.[NPL, PTB]
Construction and validation of a platinum-carbon eutectic fixed-point
Metrologia, 2008, 45, №3, 325-329
Rauta C., Renaot E., Valin M.H., Elgourdou M., Adunka F., van der Linden A., Steiner A., Bartu J., Smid M., Sindelar M., Tegeler E., Noatsch U., Holtoug J.-U., Chimenti V., Anagnostou M., Weckstrom T., Sutton G., Rusby R., Pavese F., Steur P.P.M., Marcarino P., de Groot M.J., Filipe E., Lobo I., Ivarsson J., Duris S., Bojkovski J., Hiti M., Ugur S., Dogan A.K., Grudniewicz E.
Final report of EUROMET.T-S2 (projects EUROMET 391 and 712): Supplementary comparison of realizations of the indium freezing point
Metrologia, 2008, 45, Tech. Suppl., 03001
McEvoy H.C.
Final report of EUROMET.T-S1 (EUROMET project 658): The examination of base parameters for ITS-90 scale realisation in radiation thermometry
Metrologia, 2008, 45, Tech. Suppl., 03002
Heyer D., Noatsch U., Tegeler E., Anagnostou M., Turzo-Andras E., Antonsen I., Augevicius V., Bojkovski J., Bronnum A., Chimenti V., Duris S., Filipe E., Gaita S., Gray J., Head D., Grudniewicz E., Ivarsson J., Kalemci M., Kerkhof O., Lobo I., Nemeth S., Pokhodun A., Ranostaj J., Renaot E., Rosenkranz P., Smid M., Steur P., Steiner A., Valin M., Veliki T., Weckstrom T.
Final report on EUROMET.T-K4 (EUROMET Project 820): Comparison of the realizations of the ITS-90 at the freezing points of Al (660.323 °C) and Ag (961.78 °C)
Metrologia, 2008, 45, Tech. Suppl., 03003
Kim Y.-G., Liedberg H., Jahan F.
Final report on the fixed-point comparison of Au/Pt thermocouples (APMP supplementary comparison APMP.T-S4)
Metrologia, 2008, 45, Tech. Suppl., 03004 скачать текст
том 44 (2007 г)
Becker P., De Bievre P., Fujii K., Glaser M., Inglis B., Luebbig H., Mana G.[PTB, IRMM, NMIJ, NMIA, INRIM]
Considerations on future redefinitions of the kilogram, the mole, and of other units
Metrologia, 2007, 44, №1, 1-14
Engert J., Fellmuth B., Jousten K.[PTB]
A new 3He vapour-pressure based temperature scale from 0.65 K to 3.2 K consistent with the PLTS-2000
Metrologia, 2007, 44, №1, 40/52
Petley B.W.[NPL]
The atomic units, the kilogram and the other proposed changes to the SI
Metrologia, 2007, 44, №1, 69-72
Ancsin J.[INMS/NRC]
Al–Cu eutectic: an experimental study of its melting properties
Metrologia, 2007, 44, №1, 87-90
Yebra F., Gonzalez-Jorge H., Lorenzo L., Campos M., Silva J., Troncoso F., Rodriguez J.[LOMG Ourense]
Procedure for the calibration of surface temperature sensors used in dimensional metrology
Metrologia, 2007, 44, №3, 217-221
Renaot E., Hermier Y., Valin M.H., Bonnier G., Adunka F., Van Der Linden A., Dobre M., Smid M., Bronnum A., Weckstrom T., Tegeler E., Noatsch U., Anagnostou M., Turzo-Andras E., Nemeth S., White M., Marcarino P., Steur P., Pauzha A., Augevicius V., de Groot M., Nielsen J., Helgesen F., Roszkowski W., Grudniewicz E., Kuna R., Filipe E., Lobo I., Gaita S., Chimenti V., Ivarsson J., Duris S., Ranostaj J., Bojkovski J., Steiner A., Ugur S., Gray J., Bruce S., Rusby R., Head D.
Final Report on EUROMET.T-K3: Regional key comparison of the realisations of the ITS-90 from 83.8058 K to 692.677 K
Metrologia, 2007, 44, Tech. Suppl., 03001
Sakuma F., Park S.N., Ballico M., Wang L., Yuan Z.
Final report of APMP.T-S2-00: APMP supplementary comparison of local realization of radiation thermometry temperature scales from 400 °C to 2000 °C using a 0.9 µm radiation thermometer as a transfer standard
Metrologia, 2007, 44, Tech. Suppl., 03003
Jahan F., Ballico M.J.
Final report on the APMP-T-S1-04 regional comparison using type-R thermocouples from 0 °C to 1100 °C
Metrologia, 2007, 44, Tech. Suppl., 03004
Norranim U., Nguyen M.K., Ballico M.J.
Final report on supplementary comparison APMP.T-S3-03 of industrial platinum resistance and liquid in glass thermometers from –40 °C to 250 °C
Metrologia, 2007, 44, Tech. Suppl., 03005
Nguyen M.K., Ballico M.J.
Final report on APMP.T-K3: Key comparison of realizations of the ITS-90 over the range –38.8344 °C to 419.527 °C using an SPRT
Metrologia, 2007, 44, Tech. Suppl., 03006
Ripple D.C., Garrity K.M., Araya M., Cabrera C.R., Cordova Murillo L., de Vanegas M.E., Gee D.J., Guillen E., Martinez-Martinez S., Mendez-Lango E., Mussio L., Petkovic S.G., Quelhas K.N., Rangugni G., Robatto O., von Borries Rocha E.
Final report on SIM supplementary comparison 3.9: Type K thermocouple wire over the range 100 °C to 1100 °C
Metrologia, 2007, 44, Tech. Suppl., 03007
Bloembergen P., Yamada Y., Sasajima N., Wang Y., Wang T.[NMIJ/AIST, NIM]
The effect of the eutectic structure and the residual effect of impurities on the uncertainty in the eutectic temperatures of Fe–C and Co–C
Metrologia, 2007, 44, n°5, 279-293
Ancsin J.[NRC/INMS]
Impurity dependence of the Zn point
Metrologia, 2007, 44, n°5, 303-307
Pavese F.[INRIM]
The definition of the measurand in key comparisons: lessons learnt with thermal standards
Metrologia, 2007, 44, n°5, 327-339
том 43 (2006 г)
Ancsin J.[INMS-NRC]
Al-Si eutectic: a study of its melting and freezing behaviour
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №1, 60-66
Kim Y.-G., Yang I., Kwon S.-Y., Gam K.-S.[KRISS]
Features of Co/C and Ni/C eutectic transitions for use in thermocouple thermometry
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №1, 67-70
Fellmuth B., Hill K.D.[PTB, INMS-NRC]
Estimating the influence of impurities on the freezing point of tin
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №1, 71-83
Park C.-W., Lee D.-H., Kim B.-H., Park S.-N., Shin H.-D.[KRISS, KASTO]
Accuracy improvement in the source-based calibration of radiative heat flux sensors by consideration of the temperature non-uniformity of the high temperature blackbody
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №1, 135-141
Pitre L., Moldover M.R., Tew W.L.[NIST, LNE]
Acoustic thermometry: new results from 273 K to 77 K and progress towards 4 K
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №1, 142-162
Yoon H.W.[NIST]
The realization and the dissemination of thermodynamic temperature scales
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №2, S22-S26
Carter A.C., Datla R.U., Jung T.M., Smith A.W., Fedchak J.A.[NIST, JRDC]
Low-background temperature calibraiton of infrared blackbodies
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №2, S46-S50
Anhalt K., Hartmann J., Lowe D., Machin G., Sadli M., Yamada Y.[PTB, NPL, LNE-INM/CNAM, NMIJ/AIST]
Thermodynamic temperature determinations of Co-C, Pd-C, Pt-C and Ru-C eutectic fixed-points cells
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №2, S78-S83
Sasajima N., Yoon H.W., Gibson C.E., Khromchenko V., Sakuma F., Yamada Y., [NMIJ/AIST, NIST]
The NIST eutectic project: construction of Co-C, Pt-C and Re-C fixed-point cells and their comparison with the NMIJ
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №2, S109-S114
Rosenkranz P, Matus M., Rastello M.L.[BEV, IEN]
On estimation of distribution temperature
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №2, S130-S134
Lowe D., Yamada Y.[NPL, NMIJ/AIST]
Reproducible metal-carbon eutectic fixed-points
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №2, S135-S139
Ancsin J.[INMS/NRC]
Erratum: Al-Si eutectic: a study of its melting and freezing behaviour
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №2, S158
Zhang J.T., Xue S.[NIM]
A noise thermometry investigation of the melting point of gallium in the NIM
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №3, 273-277
Yamada Y., Wang Y., Sasajima N.[NMIJ]
Metal carbide-carbon peritectic systems as high -temperature fixed points in thermometry
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №5, L23-L27
Meyer C.W., Ripple D.C.[NIST]
Determination of the uncertainties for ITS-90 realization by SPRTs between fixed points
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №5, 327-340
Meyer C.W., Tew W.L.[NIST]
ITS-90 non-uniqueness from PRT subrange inconsistencies over the range 24.56 K to 273.16 K
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №5, 341-352
Bloembergen P., Yamada Y.[NMIJ]
SIE and OME as tools to estimate the uncertainty in the correction for the effect of impurities applied to metal-carbon eutectic systems
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №5, 371-382
Gardner J.L.[NMI]
Uncertainties in source distribution temperature and correlated colour temperature
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №5, 403-408
Lipinski L., Kowal A., Szmyrka-Grzebyk A., Manuszkiewicz H., Steur P.P.M., Pavese F.[INTBS Poland, INRIM]
The triple point of nitrogen
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №5, 435-440
Ancsin J.[NRC]
Non-uniqueness of ITS-90 at 548.2°C and at 156.6°C.
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №5, 461-469
Woolliams E.R., Machin G., Lowe D.H., Winkler R.[NPL]
Metal (carbide)–carbon eutectics for thermometry and radiometry: a review of the first seven years
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №6, R11-R25
Tischler M.[INTI]
Platinum resistance thermometry: the conceptual difference between calibration uncertainty and measurement uncertainty
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №6, L45-L46
Edler F, Baratto A.C.[PTB, INMETRO]
Comparison on nickel–carbon and iron–carbon eutectic fixed point cells for the calibration of thermocouples
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №6, 501-507
Ma C.K.[INMS ]
The structural failure of copper-freezing-point blackbodies for radiation thermometry: analysis and design improvements
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №6, 515-521
Widiatmo J.V., Harada K., Yamazawa K., Arai M.[NMIJ]
Estimation of impurity effect in aluminium fixed-point cells based on thermal analysis
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №6, 561-572
Stock M., Witt T.J.[BIPM]
International news - CPEM 2006 Round table discussion "Proposed changes to the SI"
Metrologia, 2006, 43, №6, 583-587
Stock M., Solve S., del Campo D., Chimenti V., Mendez-Lango E., Liedber H., Steur P.P.M., Marcarino P., Dematteis R., Filipe E., Lobo I., Kang K.H., Gam K.S., Kim Y.-G., Renaot E., Bonnier G., Valin M., White R., Dransfield T.D., Duan Y., Xiaoke Y., Strouse G., Ballico M., Sukkar D., Arai M., Mans A., de Groot M., Kerkhof O., Rusby R., Gray J., Head D., Hill K., Tegeler E., Noatsch U., Duris S., Kho H.Y., Ugur S., Pokhodun A., Gerasimov S.F.
Final Report on CCT-K7: Key comparison of water triple point cells
Metrologia, 2006, 43, Tech. Suppl., 03001
Rusby R., Head D., Meyer C., Tew W., Tamura O., Hill K.D., de Groot M., Storm A., Peruzzi A., Fellmuth BV., Engert J., Astrov D., Dedikov Y., Kytin G.
Final Report on CCT-K1: Realizations of the ITS-90, 0.65 K to 24.5561 K, using rhodium–iron resistance thermometers
Metrologia, 2006, 43, Tech. Suppl., 03002
Hartmann J., Thomas R., Hill K.D., Steele A.G., Ma C.K.
Bilateral comparison of the NRC and PTB local realizations of the ITS-90 between the silver point and 1700 °C using vacuum tungsten strip lamps as transfer standard
Metrologia, 2006, 43, Tech. Suppl., 03003